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YVA4 Youtube Shorts Ads views (Arab) (1K / 10M) (St 24-72H / 10-20K/Day) (Lifetime Guarantee)




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Youtube Shorts


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~ Arab countries mix. ~ Quality: Real ADWORDS Views ~ Start 24-72h / 10-20K/Day ~ Refill: 100% Lifetime Guaranteed From Drop ~ Helpful and good for your channel and video only shorts links accepted regular video links also accepted when video is up to 1 minute long. VIDEOS SHOULD BE LONGER THAN 11 SECONDS OTHERWISE THE CAMPAIGN WILL BE CANCELED VIDEOS SHORTER THAN 11 SECONDS CAN'T GET VIEWS AND THIS IS MANAGED BY GOOGLE ONLY.

Youtube Shorts


Цена за 1000

~ Arab countries mix. ~ Quality: Real ADWORDS Views ~ Start 24-72h / 10-20K/Day ~ Refill: 100% Lifetime Guaranteed From Drop ~ Helpful and good for your channel and video only shorts links accepted regular video links also accepted when video is up to 1 minute long. VIDEOS SHOULD BE LONGER THAN 11 SECONDS OTHERWISE THE CAMPAIGN WILL BE CANCELED VIDEOS SHORTER THAN 11 SECONDS CAN'T GET VIEWS AND THIS IS MANAGED BY GOOGLE ONLY.